Unlike other young heroes, Rana has tried out a different role, a political genre movie with his very first film. Later he has bagged a Bollywood project titled ‘Dum Maro Dum’ and Puri Jagannadh’s ‘Nenu Na Rakshasi’.
Rana seems to be trying out distinct roles in his early phases. With Leader, Rana was seen in a soft political role. ‘Nenu Naa Rakshasi’ showcases him in a rough look. He is said to be playing a professional killer in the film. There is news that Rana’s next film would be under the direction of Selva Raghavan. However official confirmation is yet to be made. Right now, this young handsome actor is waiting for his ‘Nenu Naa Rakshasi’ release
Hope Rana makes many more successes in his film career and itsAtoZ.com takes the occasion to wish him a very Happy Birthday.
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