It is reported earlier that Bubbly Actress Charmee bagged a big offer and Actress will debut in bollywood with Puri Directorial venture 'Buddah' with Amithab Bachchan. It is said that initially Neha Sharma was considered for the role but she was replaced by Charmee for unknown reasons by film makers. Now some reliable sources revealed that, "Nagarjuna was responsible for Charmee to be in 'Buddah' it seems. Charmee considered to be a good friend of Nag, Her career in Telugu is going on and off, so Nag decided to make sure that Puri Jagannath rope Charmee into 'Buddah' it seems.” Charmee was also part of RGV's experimental film 'Dongala Mutha', which also worked for her to get into Puri's next venture.
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