it is known that Sushanth has signed up a new film with director Indraganti Mohan Krishna, which will be made under Srinag Corporation banner. Indraganti has earlier directed Ashta Chemma and Golconda High School and Swathi played the female lead in both these films. Now, the director has again roped in the actress for the third consecutive time.
Sources say, there is also another heroine in the film who will be finalized shortly. Though, Swathi received praises for her performance in Asta Chemma, many felt she was not the right lady for Golconda High School as the role did not suit her. Let’s see, what Indraganti has in store for Swathi this time…
Sources say, there is also another heroine in the film who will be finalized shortly. Though, Swathi received praises for her performance in Asta Chemma, many felt she was not the right lady for Golconda High School as the role did not suit her. Let’s see, what Indraganti has in store for Swathi this time…
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