HP has launched two new touchscreen desktop PCs in its touch smart range that it hopes will finally convert theall in onedesktop world. Called the HP TouchSmart 610 and 9300, the former is a conservatively endowed A10 machine meant for home usage, and the latter is a tad bit more capable, meant for a business environment.
Both TouchSmart models come fitted on a flexible mount that allows users to recline the screen at angles up to 60 degrees from the vertical, and, swivel it up to 180 degrees. They are both 23-inch touchscreen displays, capable of displaying resolutions up to 1920x1080 pixels, and therefore are full HD capable. The TouchSmart 610 for the home features HP’s TouchSmart software layer on top of Windows 7, which includes touch-optimized versions of Hulu, Netflix, and Twitter, apart from the TouchSmart Apps Center. The enterprise 9300 edition doesn’t get this feature, and has a plainer almost vanilla Windows 7 system.
Both TouchSmart models come fitted on a flexible mount that allows users to recline the screen at angles up to 60 degrees from the vertical, and, swivel it up to 180 degrees. They are both 23-inch touchscreen displays, capable of displaying resolutions up to 1920x1080 pixels, and therefore are full HD capable. The TouchSmart 610 for the home features HP’s TouchSmart software layer on top of Windows 7, which includes touch-optimized versions of Hulu, Netflix, and Twitter, apart from the TouchSmart Apps Center. The enterprise 9300 edition doesn’t get this feature, and has a plainer almost vanilla Windows 7 system.
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